HANDMADE | headband #3

myimages-290Sorry I haven’t posted in a couple days! I am in Minnesota (my home state) visiting family and friends. I’m excited for this week and have some fun projects and blog posts planned.

This headband I made specifically for a friend. Hopefully she will like it! The match to the vintage earring was used in my last headband. So here’s my question today: What was something special you made for someone else??


3 responses to “HANDMADE | headband #3

  1. Cute! Since I am just moving back to the states from Croatia I left one of my best friends there, Suzana, a scrapbook I put together of our whole year together…and Kristin gave me the most adorable apron made from the ugliest old lady nightgown I had bought as a joke for about a dollar. She also used it to cover a photo album that also doubled as a recipe book! So they matched! It was the best gift I’ve ever received I think! So clever! I miss her soo soo much!

  2. …and there is an album of Suzana’s Scrapbook in my facebook profile :)

  3. what a great idea! i love bright patterned aprons!

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